Brown Sugar Baked Brie Dip with Apples, Cranberries and Pecans will be the hit of your next party! No one can resist rich, gooey...
There’s no better way to celebrate the holidays than with a Gingerbread Martini! This easy cocktail recipe will make your celebrations extra festive. You...
This Gingerbread Syrup recipe is here to infuse some holiday cheer into your cocktails, coffee, tea, breakfast foods, and so much more! It’s simple...
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: this Air Fryer Chicken Breast recipe is the BEST way to cook chicken. It’s...
This Creamy Shrimp Bisque is a rich seafood soup that makes shrimp the star of the show! You’ll love the wine-infused tomato base and...
Looking for a festive holiday dessert? This Cranberry Bliss Cheesecake Trifle is perfect! Layers of creamy whipped cheesecake filling alternate with orange liqueur-soaked gingerbread...
For a crowd-pleasing (and crowd-feeding!) breakfast, this Amish Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole is perfect! Eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese, veggies, and hash browns make it...
Impress your guests on Christmas Eve with a gorgeous Christmas Charcuterie Board! Various meats and cheeses are placed just right to make your board...
Chopped steak with gravy is a budget-friendly meal that delivers lots of comfort food goodness! Serve this savory dish with mashed potatoes for the...
Banana Blueberry Muffins are a combination of two breakfast favorites! This easy recipe is moist and delicious, with juicy berries adding flavor and sweetness....
Creamy chicken and broccoli pasta is an easy weeknight meal your family will love! A lemony cream sauce, tender chicken breasts, pasta, and plenty...
Lentil soup is hearty and healthy; the kind of soup that freezes beautifully and tastes even better after a day or two in the...