Balsamic roasted vegetables are a delicious and healthy side dish that’s easy to make and perfect for pairing with just about any meal! Balsamic...
This hearty sausage potato soup is a comfort food favorite packed with savory sausage, tender potatoes, and a rich, creamy broth. So flavorful! Traditional...
You will make these air fryer chicken thighs on frequent repeat! They’re crispy on the outside, exceptionally juicy, and the seasoning is on point. ...
Creamy, rich, and oh-so-cheesy, this garlic Parmesan risotto is comfort food, elevated. I’ve got the secret to the EASIEST risotto you’ll ever make! Making...
Buffalo chicken meatballs are a flavorful twist on the classic game day appetizer, combining the spicy kick of Buffalo sauce with tender, savory meatballs....
Whether you’re an olive lover or just a cocktail enthusiast, you’re going to flip for this Dirty Martini Dip. It’s creamy, it’s boozy, it’s...
Ginger cranberry jam is sweet and tangy, with the warmth of fresh ginger to give it a little zing. It’s the perfect accompaniment to...
Authentic Polish Potato Pancakes are incredibly simple, but also incredibly delicious! Browned and crispy, they’re a tasty addition to any dinner. We’ve been making...
Brown Sugar Baked Brie Dip with Apples, Cranberries and Pecans will be the hit of your next party! No one can resist rich, gooey...
There’s no better way to celebrate the holidays than with a Gingerbread Martini! This easy cocktail recipe will make your celebrations extra festive. You...
This Gingerbread Syrup recipe is here to infuse some holiday cheer into your cocktails, coffee, tea, breakfast foods, and so much more! It’s simple...
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: this Air Fryer Chicken Breast recipe is the BEST way to cook chicken. It’s...