Crispy, creamy lobster risotto stuffed with buttery lobster tail and peas make the most incredibly unforgettable appetizer ever. Easy to assemble and make ahead,...
A game day favorite, Jalapeño Poppers are all dolled up for the holidays with a little cranberry thrown into the mix and a big...
Learn how to make a cheese board and you’ll always have a crowd-pleasing appetizer spread for any party! It’s easy as can be, but...
Delicate little pouches of heaven, Triple Berry Baklava Bites are crisp and sweet. Filled with a blend of dried berries and nuts, sweetened with...
A sweet and tangy glaze made from Riesling and cranberries is the perfect companion for your holiday ham this year. This spiral ham is...
Rich, crisp, chocolate biscotti drenched in creamy caramel and dark chocolate, sprinkled with chopped pecans and dipped into a steaming mug of coffee or...
An easy one-pot side dish excellent for entertaining. Sauteed brussels sprouts and apples are cooked until golden and topped with crunchy pecans and pomegranate...
Fun and personalized, these cute cookies tins are easy to make and a great way to use up old, worn tins that are taking...
Light and crispy chocolate wafers dipped in peppermint-infused white chocolate and then sprinked with crushed candy canes…..these are the ultimate holiday cookie. Easy to...
A festive and easy cocktail that will make a beautiful addition to your holiday brunch this Christmas. Fruity and light, it’s amazing served with...
These soft and chewy cheesecake bars are topped with apple butter and a sweet pecan streusel. Easy to make and a fantastic way to mix...
Inspired by the popular holiday coffee flavor at Starbucks, this cupcake is full of spice and topped with a creamy buttercream frosting made with...