Got tomatoes? This quick and easy Oven Roasted Tomatoes recipe is a fantastic way to use up a surplus or add flavor to out...
Fried Pickles are golden brown and oh so crispy on the outside while staying true to their tender and tangy goodness on the inside!...
Huevos Rancheros is a flavor-packed brunch staple that’s SO easy to make from home! Crispy tortillas are layered with spicy mashed beans and a...
Soooo easy to make, Mediterranean Chickpea Salad is fresh and full of vibrant flavors! My copy cat version of Trader Joe’s famous Balela Salad...
Start the party off right when you serve Chicken Chimichangas! These are essentially just super flavorful chicken burritos that are deep fried to crispy...
Mexico’s version of pulled pork, this version is made easy with a CrockPot! Slow Cooker Pork Carnitas is a little spicy with tangy, melt-in-your-mouth...
Funeral Potatoes are so easy, cheesy, and pretty much perfect in every way! Serve this cheesy potato casserole on Thanksgiving, Christmas dinner, or any...
This Easter Sunday, make everyone smile when you serve these adorable Easter Oreo Truffles! Also known as bunny butt truffles, these sweet white chocolate...
A classic potluck and picnic staple, the very Best Deviled Eggs are so easy to make with the tastiest filling ever. Creamy and smooth...
Treat yourself to golden, crispy pieces of homemade Crostini! Crostini means “little toasts” in Italian, but they’re really so much more than that. Each...
Freshen up your dinner table with this savory and sweet Peach Burrata Salad with Hot Honey Vinaigrette! This satisfying salad is loaded with nutrient-rich...
Mini Lemon Tarts are zesty, sweet, and just absolutely adorable little treats! Impress everyone at Easter or any summertime soiree you have planned when...