An easy, fool-proof way to make the Best Homemade Pie Crust recipe ever. Just a couple of minutes in the food processor and you...
If you don’t have time to sit around an oven and wait for your favorite side dish, you need to know How to Microwave...
Creamy and nutty, the Nutty Irishman Cocktail is a warm, festive after-dinner coffee drink. So easy to make and amazingly delectable, you may be...
Rich, hearty, and savory Guinness Beef Stew is the comfort food recipe you need! Chuck roast is slowly cooked to tender perfection in a...
This easy sweet treat is wonderful for breakfast, brunch or a mid-day snack….Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffins are more than a mouthful to say,...
Grab some tortilla chips, because we’re making creamy, meaty, boldly flavored Rotel Dip with Sausage! This tried and true appetizer recipe is a staple...
The steakhouse side dish that’s easy to make at home, Lyonnaise Potatoes are buttery, caramelized and melt in your mouth addicting. Thinly sliced potatoes...
All the flavor of a melty Reuben sandwich packed into a one pot dinner! This EASY Reuben Casserole recipe is made with tender corned...
Great as a side dish or an entrée, Baked Calico Beans are hearty, savory, and always hit the spot! Loaded with ground beef and...
An authentic Dan Dan Noodles recipe with true Szechuan spice! Better than take out and so easy to make at home. This Dan dan...
Making dinnertime a breeze, I rounded up all the BEST Baked Chicken Breast recipes on the internet and put them in one place because...
Cool and minty, this EASY Shamrock Shake recipe is inspired by the OG milkshake from McDonald’s. Made with fresh cream, vanilla ice cream, mint...