Polar Express Hot Chocolate is what your childhood dreams are made of! Rich, thick, sweet hot chocolate is made with simple ingredients and just...
This homemade Chocolate Fondue is thick, creamy, and rich with chocolatey goodness! It’s easy to make and even easier to eat with all of...
Sweet and simple, this Shirley Temple recipe is a fun drink for the kids at any celebration. Just a couple ingredients and some crafty...
Super easy, great for a crowd…..and kinda, sorta healthy! This Slow Cooker Chicken Cheesesteak has been a party pleaser for years. It’s also a...
This classic Beef Bourguignon recipe is the ultimate comfort food. Tender bites of beef are served in a thick savory gravy amongst onions, mushrooms,...
These easy Chocolate Chip Cookies are based on a recipe that earned a blue ribbon at the country fair. Loaded with 3 kinds of...
Creamy, sweet and lightly spiced….this Easy Gingerbread Cheesecake Smoothie Recipe is a simple protein packed treat that’s perfect for breakfast or a post workout...
Sipping on a glass of the best Mulled Wine is sure to get you into the Christmas spirit! Red wine is both sweetened and...
Quick and easy Kielbasa and Cabbage is a super flavorful dinner that’s fantastic for weeknight dinners. This authentic Polish Kielbasa recipe is one of...
The perfect blend of chocolatey flavor with one little secret ingredient makes this the Best Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe around. Rich, chocolatey flavor...
The perfect party starter! Hot Artichoke Dip is quick and easy to make…and always the first dish to vanish at any gathering. Melty cheese...
Chicken Stew features tender chicken thighs served in a medley of golden potatoes, peas, mushrooms, and even more veggies! It’s all held together by...