French Onion Chicken is pan-fried to tender, juicy perfection, then smothered in caramelized onions and melty gruyere cheese. Hello, delicious dinner! French onion chicken is...
Buttery and creamy, easy Oven Roasted Baby Potatoes are simple to make with just a handful of ingredients. Roasted potatoes in butter, garlic, herbs...
This pastrami sandwich recipe is a homemade version of the deli classic! Thinly sliced pastrami, Swiss cheese, and spicy brown mustard are layered onto...
The real deal, inspired by my Polish family’s recipe, this is the easiest way to make the best Stuffed Cabbage Rolls around. Tender beef...
Crock Pot Pot Roast is the easiest pot roast you’ll ever make, and I’m feeling pretty confident that it will also be one of...
Light and crispy Belgian Waffle recipe is the real deal. Fluffy and buttery inside, this light as air Belgian Waffle is easier to make...
Sunday Gravy, also known as Sunday Sauce, is an all-day tomato sauce just like your Italian nonna used to make. Meaty, full of fresh...
Orange Marmalade is like sunshine in a glass jar! It’s got tons of naturally sweet and tart flavor that’s enhanced by sugar and a...
These Double Chocolate Chip Cookies give you double the decadence, double the richness, and double the chocolate flavor in every bite thanks to a...
This Homemade Cocktail Sauce recipe takes just minutes to make, it tastes fresher and more delicious than store-bought, and you can customize it to...
Flaky, buttery puff pastry and a tender spiced apple filling make this Easy Apple Strudel recipe absolutely irresistible. It’ll be a hit at any...
Polynesian Sauce is the sweet and tangy condiment you’ll want to eat with just about everything! When you can make this copycat version at...