Sink your teeth into this savory Hot Roast Beef sandwich complete with sautéed mushrooms and onions! Melted provolone cheese serves as the best gooey...
Rich and creamy, Chocolate Chia Pudding is a favorite healthy sweet treat! Simple to make with just four ingredients, this easy chia pudding recipe...
Made with ingredients like bittersweet chocolate, sugar, butter, and you guessed it – no flour – this easy Flourless Chocolate Cake is an indulgent...
This bold, flavor packed recipe for Szechuan shrimp is guaranteed to spice up your dinner! This is a one pan recipe that easy to...
Crab Rangoon Dip with Five Spice Chips is sure to be the most popular appetizer at your Superbowl Sunday party! Crispy, fried potsticker chips...
A restaurant classic you can make at home, Classic Lobster Newburg is tender chunks of lobster meat bathed in a cognac spiked cream sauce...
Enjoy this Homemade Cheddar Chex Mix by the handful! All of your favorite crunchy snacks are tossed together in an easy to make, mouthwatering...
Cinnamon Sugar Palmiers are pastries that are warm, sweet, and wonderfully flaky! These delicate little French treats are surprisingly easy to make at home...
Healthy, egg-free and packed with protein, these No Bake Monster Cookie Dough Bites are a sweet treat the whole family will enjoy. A great...
With Mardi Gras just around the corner, there’s no better time to make some Red Beans and Rice in the Instant Pot! This homemade...
Instead of ordering take-out from your local Korean place, make this homemade Kimchi Fried Rice instead! Basmati rice is made flavorful as can be...
Extra crispy, tender and juicy, this Easy Parmesan Crusted Chicken Cutlet recipe is quick and simple. Coated in a mixture of herbs, spices and...