Best enjoyed as a light lunch, appetizer, or side dish, this classic recipe for Waldorf Salad never disappoints! A medley of sweet apples and...
Kick off the summer with an ice cold Strawberry Frosé! Nothing quite says summertime more than a blended cocktail made with rosé wine, strawberries,...
Warm, sweet, and unique Bananas Foster Cinnamon Rolls are one of my all time favorite breakfast treats! The homemade cinnamon roll dough is baked...
Inspired my favorite pizza chain, this California Club White Pizza is not lacking in the flavor department. Tender dough is covered with zesty garlic white...
Shriazi Salad is an Iranian dish that’s freshly flavored, easy to make, and perfect for serving all summer long! Cucumbers, tomatoes, and red onions...
Peach Dump Cake couldn’t be any easier to make and it always yields the BEST results! This is essentially a dressed up box cake...
Crunchy, flavor packed, and perfectly pop-able Pickled Garlic is one of my new favorite snacks! Grab a fork and eat it right out of...
Easy Chocolate Haupia Pie is a Hawaiian classic dessert made with coconut and chocolate. Layered in a flaky pie crust and topped with whipped...
Grilled Honey Habanero Chicken Wings are a little spicy, a little sweet, and wholly delicious. Chicken wings are juicy on the inside and crispy...
Treat yourself to the indulgent dinner of your dreams when you make Lasagna Roll Ups! Lasagna noodles are cooked to tender perfection, then rolled...
There’s nothing better than homemade meatballs and my version of Swedish Meatballs is the ultimate comfort food. Bathed in the best Swedish Meatball Sauce...
Fresh and fruity, this Classic Margarita recipe is made with fresh lime juice for the ultimate flavor bomb you will ever sip. Ready in...