Enjoy this Homemade Cheddar Chex Mix by the handful! All of your favorite crunchy snacks are tossed together in an easy to make, mouthwatering...
Cinnamon Sugar Palmiers are pastries that are warm, sweet, and wonderfully flaky! These delicate little French treats are surprisingly easy to make at home...
Healthy, egg-free and packed with protein, these No Bake Monster Cookie Dough Bites are a sweet treat the whole family will enjoy. A great...
With Mardi Gras just around the corner, there’s no better time to make some Red Beans and Rice in the Instant Pot! This homemade...
Instead of ordering take-out from your local Korean place, make this homemade Kimchi Fried Rice instead! Basmati rice is made flavorful as can be...
Extra crispy, tender and juicy, this Easy Parmesan Crusted Chicken Cutlet recipe is quick and simple. Coated in a mixture of herbs, spices and...
Chicken Vesuvio is an easy to make weeknight dinner that’s comforting, flavorful, and hearty as can be! Roasted chicken thighs are cooked to perfection...
Going low carb? Learn how to make Cauliflower Rice at home in minutes. My favorite way to substitute regular rice, pasta or potatoes and...
Ultra creamy Baked Chicken Florentine is the ONE POT DINNER you’re family will beg for every week. Tender, juicy chicken breasts swimming in a...
For dinner tonight, treat your taste buds to a celebration of savory and sweet flavors with this Hot Honey Glazed Salmon! Baked to perfection,...
Fluffy Homemade English Muffins are the tastiest treat to have in the morning with a little butter and jam! The best part is, this...
Shrimp Fajitas are always a good idea for dinner! Mouthwatering marinated shrimp are cooked to perfection alongside just as flavorful veggies. Once this stuff...