Creamy chicken and broccoli pasta is an easy weeknight meal your family will love! A lemony cream sauce, tender chicken breasts, pasta, and plenty...
Lentil soup is hearty and healthy; the kind of soup that freezes beautifully and tastes even better after a day or two in the...
This Apple Cider Moscow mule is as refreshing as the classic version, with a bit of a cozy twist! Apple butter adds big apple...
Kung Pao Brussels Sprouts are a Brussels sprout lover’s dream come true! They’re sticky, sweet, savory, and spicy—and they require just a few minutes...
You don’t have to live near a Wawa to enjoy a Turkey Gobbler Sandwich! This homemade version takes your Thanksgiving leftovers and makes them...
Your holiday brunch isn’t complete without this cinnamon apple French toast casserole! The whole house will smell amazing as it bakes in the oven,...
Cornbread salad adds some down-home flavor to any get-together! With crispy bacon, lots of cornbread, creamy ranch, beans, veggies, and cheese, this layered salad...
With crispy bacon, loads of cheese, sour cream, and green onions, these loaded mashed potatoes don’t need any gravy! In fact, you might just...
If you’re looking for a winner winner chicken dinner, this chicken and broccoli stir fry is IT! It’s easy, saucy, and satisfying, with a...
Don’t serve just any salad for Turkey Day—serve this Thanksgiving salad! With butternut squash, cranberries, pomegranate, pumpkin seeds, apples, and pears, it’s a cornucopia...
Chicken saltimbocca is an Italian dish that literally means “jump in the mouth”—and you will definitely want this recipe to jump into your mouth...
Creamy caramel apple dip is the perfect fall snack, whether it’s an after school pick-me-up or for a get-together with friends and family. This...