Iced Coconut Caramel Macchiato
Refreshing and light, Iced Coconut Caramel Macchiato is a wonderful blend of iced coffee, coconut milk and caramel syrup. Cool and satisfying, it’s a wonderful way to beat the heat during summer’s last steamy days.
So, I think I’ve been living under a rock for most of my life. Well, for at least as long as Starbucks has been around. Here…for all these years, I’ve been ordering off the menu. Just what is written there in plain text. Little did I know there was a secret menu….or you could create your own secret drink. And this summer….it was all there, plastered all over Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat…you name it. Things like “the Pink Drink”….which is quite lovely by the way. And “the Purple Drink”…and the orange drink…and, well, you get the picture.
I started digging around a bit more and getting creative on my own when I stumbled on the Iced Coconut Mocha Macchiato…which is heavenly. But I’m more of a Caramel Macchiato fan myself so I decided to make my own concoction inspired by the Starbuck’s version. Iced Coffee, coconut milk and caramel syrup…it couldn’t be easier to whip up on a whim. Which is great because some days I don’t even have a chance to leave the house once I start recipe testing. So, if I keep the ingredients on hand….I have a “better than Starbucks” barista style beverage in hand without spending $5.75.
My Iced Coconut Caramel Macchiato starts with a strong brewed iced coffee….which is just coffee that I stash in the fridge. You could use this cold brew as your base and it will be equally amazing. OR, if you’re super lazy….use your favorite store bought iced coffee to get you started. Shake that can of coconut milk until your arm hurts….then shake it some more. Open it up, strain out the lumps (or run it though a food processor/blender)….add a bit to your iced coffee. Stir in some caramel syrup….not caramel sauce…caramel syrup, I like this one from Torani.
Drop a straw in your Iced Coconut Caramel Macchiato and start sipping. It’s a fantastic way to add a little pep in your step mid-day. Keep the ingredients on hand at the office and whip one up for your grumpy co-worker. It will turn their frown upside down with one sip. Really. Just try it.

Get the Recipe: Iced Coconut Caramel Macchiato
- 12 ounces brewed coffee, chilled
- 2 ounces coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons caramel syrup
- Fill two 8 ounce glassed with ice.
- Pour 6 ounces coffee into each glass.
- Stir 1 ounce coconut milk and 1 tablespoon caramel syrup into each glass. Stir to combine.
- Serve immediately.