A Pan Seared Chicken Breast is one of the easiest entrees you can make! Tender chicken breasts are pan seared to golden brown perfection...
Cinnamon Apple Banana Bread might just be the BEST baked good you make all fall! Moist, sweet banana quick bread is enhanced with warm...
Shrimp Tostadas are crispy, creamy, spicy, and sweet in every bite! This easy dinner recipe is the perfect combination of fresh flavors that always...
Start your morning the BEST way with a plate full of French Toast Sticks! Slices of bread are dipped in a simple creamy and...
Like Chocolate Milk for adults, this rich and creamy Chocolate Martini is the BEST cocktail recipe ever made. So simple to make in just...
Ever wondered How to Cook Acorn Squash? I have all of the best tips and tricks! For this easy recipe, you’ll only need the...
A classic and easy side dish, Green Beans Almondine is a simple recipe of crisp, tender green beans sauteed in butter, lemon juice and...
Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes spiked with bourbon and smothered with buttery pecan praline. The perfect ending to any holiday meal they’re sure to become your new...
Beef and Barley Soup is hearty, smokey, and oh so satisfying! It’s the ultimate weeknight winter soup. Loaded with rich beefy flavor and just...
If you want to enjoy a big bowl of spaghetti without all the carbs, treat yourself to Instant Pot spaghetti squash! These tender, vibrant,...
Homemade Fried Apples is a side dish that’s almost like a dessert! Granny Smith apples are made delicious with a simple combination of butter,...
Pumpkin Pie – Who doesn’t love it? I hate to brag, but there really isn’t an easier way to make pumpkin pie from scratch...