Quick, easy and bursting with flavor, Thai Chicken Tacos are ready in less than 30 minutes with the help of either leftover chicken breast or a rotisserie chicken. Topped with a crisp asian slaw and spicy peanut sauce, Taco Tuesday will never be the same again.

Thai Chicken Tacos  with Spicy Peanut Sauce | TheSuburbanSoapbox.com

Hi everyone! I guest posted for my friend, Lauren from Lauren Kelly Nutrition, yesterday as she recuperates from a sudden illness and surgery….and is hopefully relaxing on her sofa binge-watching Netflix with a bucket of bonbons . Lauren and I haven’t met in person even though we don’t live too far away from each other but when I heard about her illness I was happy to help out. As you know, I’m an “eat everything in moderation” fan so I do try to keep a few healthy recipes at the ready for quick and easy dinners. And adding little shortcuts like cooking extra chicken on a Sunday night to use later in the week always saves the day. Lauren’s site is chock full of healthy and delicious little nuggets of goodness that I just KNEW this recipe would be a hit with her readers.

Thai Chicken Tacos  with Spicy Peanut Sauce | TheSuburbanSoapbox.com

These Thai Chicken Tacos make a regular appearance at my house, even if I don’t have extra chicken lying around. You could easily grab a supermarket rotisserie chicken and make this meal just as quickly. The easy Asian Slaw is fresh and crisp….it literally comes together in just a couple minutes. And the Spicy Peanut Sauce, also ready in a flash, is great on absolutely everything. I put it on pizza, salads, flatbread…you name it. Save the leftovers because you’re going to want it on all the things.

Thai Chicken Tacos  with Spicy Peanut Sauce | TheSuburbanSoapbox.com

I lightly toast corn tortillas over the flame on my gas range but you can toast them under the broiler or in a non-stick skillet. The toasting process softens up the tortilla so it doesn’t crack and fall apart. And if you really plan ahead, you could easily cook the chicken during your weekly meal prep with the sauce and save it for later. Reheat in the microwave and you have now shaved off another 10 minutes. Dinner in 20 minutes, you can’t beat that.

For the recipe, head on over to Lauren’s site and after printing the taco recipe be sure to poke around a bit because she has a ton of deliciousness just waiting for you.


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