Chicken Paprikash is a classic Hungarian dinner that’s comforting, flavorful, and so easy to make! Chicken legs and thighs are slowly cooked to tender...
Shrimp Alfredo is a dish we all know and love! This easy recipe features seasoned and sautéed shrimp served atop a bed of tender...
Soft, chewy and full of spice! These Gingerbread Mummies are a great way to get more use out of that gingerbread man cookie cutter...
Chocolate Pizzelles aren’t just picturesque and pretty – they’re also delicious and SO easy to make! These thin Italian cookies are wonderfully light, but...
Crispy, crunchy, salty, buttery…’s a flavor explosion in these Parmesan Roasted Potatoes with Bacon. So simple to make in just one pan and a...
Sonoran Hot Dogs unique and easy to make handheld entrees that are SO perfect for serving on game day! Originating in Mexico, these hot...
Creamy, smooth and amazing, this Easy Hollandaise Sauce recipe needs to be in your cooking arsenal. So easy to make with just a few...
Easy to make homemade Taco Seasoning Mix is concocted from spices you likely already have in your pantry! It’s oh so simple to whip...
Sink your teeth into real flavor when you enjoy a homemade California Burrito! Tortillas are rolled with carne asada, guacamole, cheese, and so much...
Pumpkin Pancakes are the BEST breakfast to serve on a fall morning! Pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice come together to create the most...
Sausage Stuffing with Chestnuts is loaded with everything you love about the holidays! A bouquet of fresh herbs, a splash of bourbon, crumbled chestnuts,...
The most fun way to whip up a mug of hot cocoa is with a Hot Chocolate Bomb and this recipe is simple, chocolate-y...